Thursday, 22 December 2022

Eternal Beauty

 The Crab Apple Tree

A Celebration of Nature's Gifts.

There is something magical about old, majestic trees standing alone in a field. They seem to have a sense of timelessness and strength, as if they have seen it all and are here to stay. This is certainly the case for the big, old crab apple tree that stands in the middle of a field on the edge of town.

On foggy mornings, the tree seems to take on a particularly ethereal quality. The soft, swirling mist envelops the tree, making it appear as if it is rising up out of a dream. The gnarled branches reach out into the fog, as if they are reaching for something just beyond our sight.

Despite its age, the tree is still strong and vital. Its branches are laden with glossy, dark green leaves in the summer and a riot of red and orange in the fall. In the spring, the tree is covered in a blanket of delicate pink and white blossoms, attracting swarms of bees and other pollinators.

But it is in the fall, when the tree is heavy with fruit, that it truly comes into its own. The crab apples hang like bright, shiny orbs from the branches, waiting to be plucked and turned into pies, jams, and jellies.

As the fog lifts and the sun breaks through the clouds, the tree is bathed in a warm, golden light. It is a sight to behold, and one that never fails to take my breath away.

The big, old crab apple tree in the middle of the field is more than just a tree. It is a reminder of the beauty and resilience of nature, and of the passage of time. It is a place of solace and contemplation, and a source of joy and inspiration.

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